
Quilty Goals, 2024 Edition

I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions but I do like having quilty goals (2022 here; 2023 here and here ), even if it’s just so I can look back and say ‘what was I thinking??!?’ This year, I’m keeping it simple…

2021 Temperature Quilt

Finish the 2021 Temperature Quilt (third time on the list - will this be its lucky year??);

Finish the FPP flower quilt;

Try turning panels like these ⬆️

into starburst quilts like this ⬆️. (In my head, it’s a super cool idea. In reality? Who knows . . .);

Dirty Dozen layout

And finally, use up a bunch of my stash making quilts to donate. My goal is to make at least one quilt each month for my guild’s community projects. 

Planning to use easy/simple patterns like 3-yard quilts and the ever popular (and I have NO IDEA WHY!) Turning Twenty-style pattern. Tried making one and all I can think is ‘what a hot mess’. 

Taking the bottom row off helped - at least I’m not embarrassed to donate it now - but I’m pretty sure this’ll be my one and only stab at this. Why do quilters like these so much?? So not my cup of tea. 🤷🏼‍♀️