

Tomorrow is the last day of Christmas break and I’m going to miss the littles and our holiday routines.

Leo and Jac were here almost every day, and Donovan came over most afternoons. Jac and Donovan are very best buddies, and love playing together, until about the 2 hour mark when one of them gets hungry or upset at something the other said and … Bam! We’re in meltdown.

The only cure (ok, my favorite cure) is taekwondo sandwiches* for all, and them sitting on my lap while we watch their current favorite show on my computer. Within 30 minutes, all is well and they are BFFs again. I’m going to be so sad when they’re too old to do this anymore . . . (Although Leia, at 15, still likes to sit in my lap. šŸ˜)

* I always made folded peanut butter sandwiches for a snack before their taekwondo practice and Donovan started asking for them by that name whenever he’s hungry.