Ring In The New
While spending time with a few of my favorite peeps,

I've been thinking about what I'd like to accomplish in 2011. I'm not big into making resolutions - they're usually broken by month's end - but I do like to set some fibery goals.
#1 - To do less crochet. Crochet is my comfort zone, my 'fall-back' position. Whenever I have free time, crochet is what I pick up. I'm going to do '11 Shawls in 2011'* on Ravelry, but when I crochet this year I'm going to concentrate on baby gifts for Leanne (due Feb. 17), samples for my classes and items for charity.
#2 - To do more of everything else - weaving, spinning and knitting. I want to challenge myself to learn new techniques and improve my skills. Each month, I want to:
- make one woven item - I'm going to start with sets of towels;
- spin and ply at least 8 ounces of roving/fleece;
- knit at least one item (and not in plain garter stitch!)
Since the little girls are spending a lot more time with us right now, meeting my goals is going to take some serious concentration and time management skills. But I'm up for the challenge. Soooo, what are your goals for the new year?
* But only 11 shawls, not the 19 (and most of #20) that I did in 2010.
Sadly, the arthritis (at 41) will require that I spend less time crocheting, so I've made one resolution that will help a bit: I must read more. I also want to teach myself to knit. (I CAN knit already; I just can't purl...LOL)
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