Little Girls
The little girls are spending most of their time with us these days. It's occasionally exhausting - Leia thinks her legs don't need to work when Meema's around to carry her - but it's also fun and rewarding.
Naia's grades have started to improve (hooray!) - the math and sight word flashcards we use 3-4 times a week are starting to pay off. And at her request, we've started reading the first Harry Potter book each night before bedtime. I love being able to curl up with a little girl and read together. The book is hard for Naia but she's enjoying it and is very insistent that we don't skip a night.
Leia loves her preschool (3 days a week) and has become quite the little artist, bringing home a new artwork everyday.

Not a bad meema, just a sane human being. lol
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