Tomorrow is the annual PAL golf tournament - and my last one. Can I get a Whoo! And Hoo! I can't even remember how many years I've organized and worked the tourney. Seven? Eight? Eleventy-four? I've been off the hook for organizing since I retired, but I still help out with last-minute details - I worked almost 10 hours yesterday on those pesky little details - in addition to working registration on the big day. Getting up and to the golf course by 6 a.m. is not my idea of fun. But it's for a good cause and it's our biggest fundraiser of the year - we usually make over $25,000 in just one day. Yeah, hope I can remember that when the alarm goes off tomorrow.
So today we decided to take a short, easy trip for date day. We've been through Malibu several times lately - usually going to meet Bre at Pepperdine - but we've never checked out the little beach roads off PCH. And there are some interesting seafood restaurants along that stretch - bonus!
We found several state parks we'd never heard of - El Pescador Beach, El Matador Beach, La Piedra Beach - and explored a lot of short coastal access roads. We saw an amazing amount of new housing construction. This huge mansion
(sorry for the crummy photo) sits across from one of the parks on its own little hilltop overlooking the ocean. Everywhere we went there were construction trucks and crews working on house after house.
I couldn't believe the size of the lots most of these homes are on - often half- to full-acres and more. I'm used to beach houses in Ventura and Seacliffe, where one house sits immediately adjacent to its neighbor. These people have room - and money. Very nice houses. Very nice views.
We had lunch at Paradise Beach Cove Cafe. It's right on the ocean, with gorgeous views and their own pier. Dick had never been here before, but years ago his dad loved to fish from that pier and on the fishing boats that were here.
The restaurant has been there almost forever (Since the 30's? 40's? That is forever in L.A.) The walls are covered in historical black and white photos of the cafe and its environs. Lunch was almost overwhelming. The food was good and the portions were huge. I looked up just in time to see Dick snap this photo:
Never trust a man with a camera. He posed for this one, just so I'd feel like I got revenge.
See what I mean about the portions? We didn't put a dent in either plate and still walked away stuffed. Short stroll on the beach, short drive over Decker Canyon with the convertible's top down, and we were home in time for a nap. Ah, yes. I love retired life.