
Zoo Doo

Leia has a class tomorrow 

and Leanne has another school orientation on Friday, 

so today looked like our best bet

for a last summer trip to the zoo. 

Despite a rocky start -

Jac decided she did. not. want. to. go. to. the. ZOO. AT ALL.

and tantrumed until we were almost to Carpinteria -

 Close up to a napping gorilla

it turned into a very nice day. 

 Ralph and Felicia, aka Mom and Dad 

The gorillas and all 3 lions 

 Baby Pauline grew up!

were sleeping right next to the viewing windows.

Jac and Donovan were fascinated (and maybe a little nervous).

 Practicing their wallaby imitation (looks a lot like their t-rex act 😜)

We also got our first look at the new Australian exhibit, 

where the animals (mainly emu and wallabies) roam free.

We usually spend a long time at the ant (sliding) hill 

but Jac and Donovan each took one ride down and were done,

 My view most of the day - “wait for meeeeeeeeee”

preferring the climbing ropes and the play dinosaur nest instead. 

It’s funny;

I don’t think Leia and Leanne ever even looked at the rope climb - the hill slide was everything to them.  

A little shopping, 

and finally, my favorite part of the day -
