
First Days

As of today, all the grand-darlings are in school!

Donovan, 4, 

started T-K (transitional kindergarten) today

after doing orientation yesterday. 

He **loved** his first day at big kid school. 

Jac insisted on having Peanut Butter in the pic too

Jaclyn, 6,

 I’m proud of that braid! 

is a first grade fashionista 

from the top of her new pink hat to the tip of those little pink boots.

(I tried talking her out of the boots - it was 85° today - but she wasn’t interested.)

Leanne, 11, started middle school today. She loved it, for the most part, but said going from class to class is “weird.”

Also? The band director said she couldn’t start out on drums, so she wants to play trumpet. Can’t wait to see her mom’s reaction! (Trumpets are LOUD.)

 Love that hair color!

Addison, 15, started school August 16 as a high school sophomore (!!). How did that happen so fast?

Even scarier - she qualified for her driver’s permit. And promised to take me for a ride in November. Whoo!

Still waiting for first day pics of Leia, 14, who’s a freshman taking high school and college classes this year. And playing club volleyball. She’s going to be my most exhausted grand-darling.