
Sewing Camp, 2019

A semi-local sewing store (25 minutes from our house, if the traffic gods are gracious) offers a summer sewing camp for kids. Leia and Leanne went last year and loved it, so I was bummed that Leia had a scheduling conflict this year. 

I wasn’t sure what projects were on this year’s lineup but the only repeat was Day 3’s pillowcase - 

which Leanne enjoyed making more this year than last. 

She also liked Day 1’s net fish bag. This was supposed to be a one-day project but ended up taking 2 full days because . . . 1) netting can be a pain for newbies to sew; and 2) the teacher was expecting 3 students and 7 showed up, 3 of whom had never sewn before. I’d have been a basket case but Melody just took it in stride. A bonus to the to-many-students problem was Leanne jumping in to help the younger, less-experienced kids when they needed a machine threaded, bobbin wound or seam ripped out. She loved it (and I was proud).

The last project was an envelope pillow. The kids made both the stuffed inner pillow and the fabric cover. The teacher’s vinyl cutting machine - and her selection of sparkly, colorful vinyl - was a big hit. I’m still a bit surprised Leanne wanted a black cat (purple! pink!) but she was very definite in her choice. And very happy with how her gift for Jaclyn turned out.