
What A Week, Part 2

(Part 1 is here)

After I left Tuesday morning, Leia was moved from her regular room into Pediatric ICU when her oxygen levels wouldn’t stabilize. She was not a happy camper. In addition to  feeling crummy, she hated having the cannula in her nose. She brightened a bit when the nurses brought her play-doh (pneumonia meant she couldn’t visit the communal playroom)

and was even happier when she received a gift bag from Disney with stuffed animals, coloring books and more. 

Tuesday night/Wednesday morning found us me watching the monitors and enjoying hourly visits from respiratory and nursing staff.

Leia got restless if I wasn't touching her - thrashing around and trying to pull out the hated cannula - so I spent the night with my feet propped on her bed, watching her sleep.

She ended up sleeping through everything, including a 6 am blood draw (her only reaction was one big tear that trailed down her cheek).

 She refused to eat anything until I brought in the big guns - her favorite Motts applesauce. 

Wednesday was better. Leia was still in ICU,

still tired,

but had enough energy and concentration 

 Pinball, Yahtzee and emoji bead necklaces. 

to play with the toys Daddy brought her.

 Waffles and bananas 

Thursday Leia got her first solid food since Monday. Whoohoo!

She taught mom to play Yahtzee (and made her mom text me and daddy when mom got her first ever Yahtzee 😂🤣)

went walk-about to the playroom where the therapy dogs were visiting

 Beating Daddy at Wii

and late Thursday afternoon was moved out of ICU and back to a regular room.

 Leia and Fireena (a gift from Disney)

She was still having respiratory treatments 

and was still too tired to stay awake though our movie, but our hopes were high she would be released on Friday . . . . 

 Leia is so over this hospital thing.

Didn’t happen. Doctors decided her oxygen levels weren’t stable enough and they wanted to run one last test on her stomach issue, so it wasn’t until Saturday that she was finally, finally paroled released.

And that made her a very happy girl. 


Vickie said...

Definitely the week from hell! Sooooo glad she is doing better. What caused such severe constipation?