Disney, Day 2
We started the day earlier today, determined to get onto the new Nemo ride before the looooong lines we saw yesterday could form again. Didn't make it - at 45 minutes, it was definitely the longest wait we had for any ride over the 2 days. Later in the day we walked right on to the haunted house, Indiana Jones and Jungle Cruise. And Addy did NOT like Nemo; as soon as she saw the sharp-toothed eels she decided she'd had enough of that adventure. Unfortunately, we were only about a third of the way through by then.
The next ride was much more her style. Open air, no dark spaces and no sharp-toothed creatures hiding in waiting.
We hit a couple more rides and had lunch together before Addy and John headed back to the hotel for Addy's afternoon nap
and mom, grandma and poppop hit the stores along Main Street. Dick found a comfy place to wait when Rachel's gift card caused a computer melt-down in the last store, complete with a 30-minute wait for a reboot and transaction completion.
Before Addy left, she took issue with me when I misunderstood her request for a photo. I thought she wanted me to take her picture. Wrong. She wanted to do it herself. Not a bad self-portrait either.
We met up again at 4:30, just in time for the surprise Rachel had arranged for Addy - dinner in Ariel's Grotto with five of the Disney princesses. Addy is a HUGE princess fan; her bedroom is princess, her clothes are princess, her backpack and purse are princess. The look on her face when she first saw Ariel was priceless. During dinner we had visits from Snow White,
Belle, Sleeping Beauty
and Princess Mommy.
At first Addy was shy and wouldn't say anything, but by the end she was talking Cinderella's ear off. She was so excited by the whole thing she couldn't stand it.
This little video was fueled in equal parts by excitement and white chocolate (which Addy absolutely loves.)
We closed the park again tonight. Tomorrow - home to Camarillo!
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