We Lost
My new socks weren't so lucky after all. P6 lost. If we'd needed only a simple majority, we would have won with a very comfortable margin. But the 2/3's majority was just too big a hurdle.
There are still a lot of absentee ballots to be counted, but since the ratio of yes/no has remained fairly constant from the first absentee ballots through the final precinct tally, I don't think we'll pull off a miracle. I'm bummed - but very, very happy to be retired once again.
To console myself (or celebrate, depending on how you look at it), I took a jaunt to my favorite LYS. Last Sunday, I worked with Lois in her booth at the Torrance Weaving & Spinning Festival. This was the first time she'd taken her store on the road, other than our guild's annual sale & show at the Dudley House, and she seemed a little apprehensive. I offered to go with her; I didn't need anything but I wanted to see the show and since I my usual partner in fiber acquisition wasn't interested in going, I was happy to hook up with Lois.
Fabulous day. The show is small but has high quality vendors. We had lots of traffic all day long at the booth - and those women (and the few men) were there to spend money. We did very, very well; our tables were looking plenty picked over by the time we packed up for the day.
Plus, as a vendor, I didn't have to pay admission, received a free lunch and Lois drove, so I didn't even have to pay for gas. I had plenty of time to wander around and look at what the other vendors were offering. To top it off, Lois paid me in yarn.
Today's yarn store trip was the first chance I've had to spend Sunday's yarn-check. I bought this - Blue Heron's bulky rayon chenille in 'Deep Water'. It is decadently soft and the colors are gorgeous. Don't know what I'm going to make with it; just knew that I had to have it.
And I got this: 14 skeins of Plymouth Yarn's Bella Colour, a cotton/acrylic blend. I'm planning to make a baby bunting set from the Big Book of Crochet. The colors are more intense than the usual baby colors, but I think they will work up very nicely.
And I'd better get started on it soon. After talking to Rachel today, I don't think Addy is going to put off her appearance much longer.
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