Old T-Shirts Never Die . . .
. . they just turn into paint rags. This was one of my all-time favorite shirts. We bought it on our very first trip to Colorado when Gary was . . . . about this age. (Gary now.)
The shirt was definitely showing its age; the area around the 'Boulder' logo getting exceptionally drafty, too much so for even wearing around the house. But it went in service to the greater good. Today the new closet went from this:
to this:
The first coat is done and the second coat will go on tomorrow morning. At least the current heat wave is good for something - the paint dried very, very quickly.
Dick and I both love this color. It's a warm sagey green; very pretty, very restful. Not the oh-my-god-what-was-I-thinking mint green that is on the walls of the staircase. The sitting room will be the same color as the closet, with the bedroom a darker green on the bottom and red (!) wallpaper on the upper half of the walls. More pictures as we progress.
I remember when Gary was that young. So cute! (not that you're not cute now Gary) What happened to the time?
The color on my monitor has gone haywire and I can't tell from the pictures. I'll just have to make a trip down the hill and see for myself. It sounds pretty though. Can't wait to see the finished product.
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