Hi Ho, Hi Ho . . .
Yep, it's off to work I go. I've agreed to work with the Public Safety Initiative committee until the November election. Don't know how many hours a week it will be; the good news is that I can do a lot of the work from home. Since this is the first initiative we've all worked on, no one is really sure (yet) what is going to be needed.
My (un)official title is Computer/Data Chairperson. I'll be doing whatever needs done via computer - writing letters, setting up databases, maintaining the website (and maybe a blog). It should be interesting. I got my first tour of our office this afternoon. It's very nice - one large room for the phone bank, a small kitchen and restroom in the back, and three small offices along one wall. I'll have one of the offices, which should cut some of the noise once the phone banks get up and running.
This will be in addition to my part-time job with the association and the on-going home remodel. Just look what fun I had this morning: removing wallpaper. After 3 hours, I'd barely made a dent in one wall. The wallpaper stripper we're using takes off one layer of paper at a time. Then I reapply it and take off another layer. So far, I'm down 2 layers - unfortunately, it looks like they were the easy ones; the third layer is being very difficult.
This is going to be a very slooooow process.
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