One of Those Days
You know the kind I mean. Where you know you should have stayed in bed. I had a dentist appointment in the afternoon; I really like my dentist - he's a great guy. But let's face it. Getting your teeth scrapped does not rank high on the 'can't wait to do that' list.
And spaz cat, Oreo, ran into a freshly painted wall. Not a new wall, mind you. Or a small wall. You'd think she'd try to avoid something that reeks of paint. But no. I think the sage green "highlights" are very becoming. I'm sure they will become a 'must have' for all the 'hip' cats. And Dick was very happy about having to remove black cat hair from the wet paint.
But it got better from there. I spent four hours spinning with friends in a new local fiber store. Very relaxing, very satisfying. And I discovered that one of the ladies from Knit & Nibble (Hi, Anne!), our local knitting & crochet group, has expanded her glass making endeavors from these spinning hooks (which I love) to dichroic buttons in a variety of shapes and colors (which I also love).
I'm planning to use this as a shawl closure, with a hat pin through the button shank to keep it in place. I think it will be stunning.
I've also started two new crochet projects. The first is a Lily Chin mock-Farose shawl in a gorgeous laceweight cashmere yarn from Deb at Fearless Fibers. I love her colors and the fiber is incredibly soft. (Links to her eBay and Etsy shops are in the right column on her blog. I *highly* recommend her work.)
The second project is also a shawl. I'm making this one in an organic softball cotton that I found awhile back at Chamomile Connection. (Lynnae also has an eBay shop that I highly recommend.) The pattern is Lacy Summer Shawl from a 2003 Crochet! magazine that Ellen gave me.
The main part is simple double crochet, decreasing to point in the back. Classic. Elegant. But simple. Then you get to the edging - a beautiful, thick, satisfyingly complex lace. I can't wait to get to that part.