
Summer’s Coming

We’ll have all 3 (sometimes 4) grandkids every weekday this summer

so we put some thought into how to keep them entertained.

We have a few day trips planned,

plus Jac and Donovan are signed up for swim lessons,

but this was our big idea -

bounce house** and side pool*. 

We did the big reveal today and I think they like it. 

We’re supposed to have a heat wave later in the week, so they’ll like it even better then. 

Only 11 days until school is out …

Crying cause she’s not the boss of both pools. 😂

* Leo and Leia are too big for the bounce house so the side pool is mainly for them… which upset Jac to no end when we told her Leo got to say when the littles could be in “her” pool. Knew I should have fed Jac before all the excitement… 🙄

** Neither Jac nor Donovan are fans of big pools - they both hate having water on their faces or heads - so this seemed a better option than last year’s swimming pool. Pop is going to miss the big pool though.