
Summer Is Here!

We celebrated the last day of school and the first day of summer 


with a trip to Padaro Beach Grill 


and a wander through the botanical gardens and nursery at Seaside Gardens in Carpinteria. 

Matt and Mary have really gotten into gardening and they went a bit nuts on their first visit to Seaside. 


It’s an amazing place. I managed to come home with just 4 new plants….

but I may need to go back when they restock their milkweed…

While we were at lunch, I handed Jac my phone and told her to see what she could find to take photos of. 140 pics later… she did so good! 

Jac and Leo got to feed the 2 chickens at the Gardens. Ok, Leo fed them because Jac was afraid they’d bite her…

All the pictures in this post were taken by Jaclyn, unless she is in them. 

May need to have a print made of this one…


Love this one

Drive-by stride-by shot

Water lily