
Lego Princess

Everyone but Jac had somewhere else to be today - 

Leia and Leo took a Red Cross certification class and Donovan had ninja training - so Jac and I sat and played Legos.

I dug out a no-longer-used thread box so she could sort her various pieces and use the lid to keep the cat (and Pop) from messing things up. (Pop moved her work tray  and pushed Jac’s color-sorted piles into one big group. The horror!) 

I’m not sure if she’s more thrilled with that (and the promise of another box when she opens the next bag of pieces) or the fish she made.

Ok, it’s the fish. How could it not be, with a tail and fins that wiggle?? Can you tell how pleased she is with herself?

Next up is an octopus! We’re both pretty excited.