
Happy 8!

Happy birthday to Jaclyn, who turned 8 today. Whoo!

We started celebrating yesterday. 

First was art camp with Donovan, making sea scenes in clay. 


Check out their pelicans! It’s incredible what they make in class. 

Next up was Jac and Leo’s first trip to Dave & Buster’s 

(Donovan has been several times with his dad). 

The games were a big hit, 

especially the duck claw machine*, 

Happy teens - Leo and friend

and the food was *much* better than Chuck E Cheese. 

Happy Jac - the big girls agreed to play Hungry Hippo with her!

Jac thought it was too noisy, 

and the machines were aimed at slightly older kids/teens,

so we may go back to the mouse house next time. 

Today was CAKE and Legos. Jac got to pick the cake herself from the local grocery store. Anyone surprised she chose the most chocolatey thing she could find?? I offered to make it, but she decided my decorating skills were not up to her standards. 😂


Donovan finished his Lego project and offered to build Jac’s new Minecraft Fox House. Offer accepted! 

Recycling lidded Aurefil thread holders for Lego sorting & storage. My idea is genius!

Donovan says, “I am the Lego Master” and he’s right - he can build a 200 piece kit in under an hour. And he’s only 6!

* Jac won the first duck and talked Donovan into giving the claw a go. D wanted a gold sparkly duck… but after 3 or 4 tries, ended up with a red one. ☹️  Jac says hold my beer, er “Let me try!” and in one drop snags the golden sparkles for Donovan. Such happiness! We have enough on the prepaid card for D to have one…more…try… and he immediately drops and grabs the blue sparkly duck he was aiming for! Amazing!! It was all they talked about the rest of the afternoon. 😂😂