
Lily Kitty

We said goodbye to Lily on Thursday. 

She had stopped eating over the weekend and grown steadily weaker. The vet said the culprit was probably liver disease. 

I’m going to miss her so much. 

For the past 14 years, she’s been my buddy, 

Even in the (dry) bathtub…

following me from room to room, always wanting to be close to me. 

If I was sewing, she was beside the machine. 


Cutting fabric? She was on the table, usually with her tail twitching around the rotary cutter.


Trimming a pattern? 
She was on it! Literally.

The only thing she liked better than sleeping on my lap 

was sleeping on a quilt on my lap. 

Lily came to live with us in December 2009, when Gary and his then girlfriend brought her to the house, “just until she (the girlfriend) gets a new apartment. Next week. Two weeks max. Honest, Mom!”  

As soon as they left, Marie and I brought the little grey, 7-toed, bundle of fluff downstairs and she never went back.

Lily was not fond of loud noises, little kids and most people. 

Lily liked hanging out with Cyrus

She ran from hubby, even after he started treating her to bites of tuna. 

When she was younger, she terrorized the older cats, jumping out of hiding to ‘attack’ them,

and she enjoyed chasing yarn balls and would bring them back so I’d throw them again.

She loved sleeping as close as she could get to my craft room heater 

and had her own heating pad in our bedroom, covered with fleece blankets, to keep her old lady bones comfy. 

Lil Pill mellowed a bit this last year 

and would occasionally tolerate the grandkids petting her, which Jac and Donovan, especially, loved.

I know letting her go was the right thing to do 

but d*mn it, I’m going to really miss my sweet girl. 


Vickie Graham said...

I am so sorry, I will miss seeing her pictures. No pet could have had a better life❣

Tanya said...

I’m so sorry to hear this. You wrote a lovely tribute post. She had a wonderful life with you