
10-Hour Bags

My sister is visiting from Oregon* with a couple of fairly specific goals. One: A trip to Road To California (the biggest quilt show in my area); Two: make her first zippered bag.

So while we wait for our Road-trip (ha!) on Thursday, we pulled fabric and zippers from my stash, grabbed ByAnnie’s Clam Up pattern, and got to work. 

This is Teena’s first bag, first quilted fabric and first zipper. Trifecta! And it looks even better in person.

I’m so proud of my fussy-cut unicorn - still amazed I cut it just right and got the entire horn in there.  I’ve made a smaller version of this pattern before so you’d think we’d be able to whip through this in a couple of hours. But, no. We clocked in at almost 10 hours, with short breaks for lunch and dinner. 

I’m planning a third bag, in the largest size, to complete a set in Tula Pink fabrics. Maybe I should get on that before I forget how to do this again?

Teena’s last goal, the one she didn’t know she wanted? Making fast friends with my skittish kitty, who usually lets no one touch her but me. Lily *looooves* Teena. 

* After last year’s visit, my non-sewing sister bought a sewing machine, then a bigger, better machine, and completed a half-dozen gorgeous quilts. I’m so proud.