
Rope Painting and Bowls

One of the crafts I came up with to entertain the girls on spring break was rope painting, aka spaghetti art. Doesn’t Leanne’s tray look like a mess of noodles? Or worms??

Jac and Leanne both like painting, so I got no argument from them. 

 “Put the paint HERE, Sissy!”

The idea was to paint cotton clothesline 

 Note Jac is double-fisting her brushes

with acrylic paints (because that’s what I had),

let it dry and make rope bowls. 

The painting went well - 

 Jackie used every brush we own

with very different color palates for each girl - 

 Leanne’s finished yarn
but the drying took forever, even after I hung the clothesline in the sun. (Note to self: no need to soak the line in water before painting next time . . . )

And how did it turn out?

Jac and I sewed hers today (she “helped” by pushing every button on my sewing machine. As I was sewing . . .) and she proudly proclaimed it a hat.

I used 2 different weights of thread - Jac’s choice of purple on the inside, cream on the reverse - and you can see specks of the purple on the outside. (Another note to self: change the sewing machine needle after sewing through paint!)

I kinda like the look and am glad I tried it. 

Leanne wants to sew her own bowl - can you say “Fair entry”?? - so we’ll probably do that next week. This was one of the most cost effective - and fun - projects we’ve done. The clothesline cost about $8, everything else came from my stash and I’m getting two days of crafting with each girl. Winner!