Imagination Boy
Miles and Leia come over for a few hours today. Leia was asleep almost as soon as she hit the doorway (I didn't think to get a photo until she was awake, darn it) so Miles made the most of having our attention all to himself.
He brought book after book for grandpa to read to him (each one multiple times, of course) - this is a pretty new phenomenon; up till now, Miles has been more interested in toy cars and running around than in sitting still for books and stories. Can you tell that grandpa likes the change?
Miles is also good about entertaining himself. If other kids are around, he loves playing with them but he can keep himself happily occupied for hours with some blocks,
and a vivid imagination. In the course of about ten minutes, this set of blocks was a gun -
a musical instrument -
and a camera.
All complete with the proper sound effects. Kids are so amazing.
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