200 Miles
Since I retired, there are very few things that will get me up at 7:00 a.m., let alone drive almost 200 miles (round trip) into the desert. The promise of a craft day with Vickie and Ellen is close to the top of the list (we missed you Nona!) Just to make sure I didn't fall back asleep, Vickie sweetened the pot with this - 100 grams of Supreme Possum Merino yarn from New Zealand, in purple of course. (The NZ version is different from the N. American creature. Thank goodness.) This stuff is yummy - so soft and thick. Can't wait to make something with it.
So what did I work on? I warped my new Ashford Inklette loom (I'm still amazed at how small and light-weight it is) and wove a test band in red, yellow and purple 8/4 carpet warp.
A couple of hours later, I had this -
my selvages are pretty wonky but that will improve with practice (I hope.)
My first band, which I started in class at the Riverside weaving conference, came off the big inkle loom last night. Also made with 8/4 carpet warp, this one is about 2 yards long. I have no idea what I'm going to do with these, other than take them to Guild for show-and-tell. But they sure are fun to make.
The bands are great for all kinds of things. Guitar straps, handles for tote bags. Sew a bunch together and make a vest, bands for a sweater or hand woven shawl border. Stitch them together to make a cell phone case or purse, or check book. The possibilities are on going. It's a great portable project. I take my inkle loom outside in the summer and to the park and so many other places.
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