Home Remodeling Continues
Lots of projects going on around here - but they're hubby's, not mine. The front yard is nearing completion. We have tons of color and gorgeous, bee-friendly plants. Honeybees may be having a hard time this year, but you can't tell it by our front yard. They especially like the lavender and sage that I'm planning to dry and use to keep the moths out of my wool stash.
The waterfall is about 2/3's done; Dick wants to pour the cement around the pond tomorrow and the grill for the pond cover should be done by Thursday (it will be covered by the same stone as the outside of the waterfall so you won't actually see the ironwork). Sod is being delivered on Tuesday, so finishing the sprinkler system installation is a priority this weekend also.
The tile floor in the hallway is nearly done.
I love the diamond pattern. It's been a lot more work - each square has to be individually cut to fit -
but totally worth it. Plus, Dick needs to justify buying that cool wet saw somehow, right?
Dick's also installed the marble tiles that separate the sitting room from our bedroom. These are leftovers from the shower in Marie's bathroom. Nice, yes? And he's tiling the area outside the front door. Or 're-tiling' would be more accurate. It was almost done when he discovered what he thought was the last box of tile wasn't the same tile - and, of course, it's been discontinued. Can you say "rip it"? He was not a happy camper.
So with all that going on, wouldn't you think he has enough on his hands? Wrong. I woke up earlier this week to find this in the garage - Want a closer look?
A barbecue grill with rotisserie and fire pit. By day's end, Dick had the cement slab poured
and was asking my opinion on whether granite or tile would be better for the counter surface. At the rate he's going, I think we'll have a new outdoor cooking center by the time Addy (and her parents) arrive next weekend.
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