
Testing, Testing

National Jelly Roll Sew Day is coming! 

Pretty colors in oh so not straight rows

A couple of pals and I are going to celebrate by using a jelly roll (a group of 42 2.5” wide by 43” long fabric strips) from our stash and whatever pattern catches our fancy to each make a quilt. Anybody want to join us?

The actual “holiday” is September 21, but since that’s my wedding anniversary (and hubby might not see the humor in my sewing all day…and night…) we’ve decided to spread the jelly roll party from Friday through Sunday. 

Picture from Pinterest

I wanted to make Tangled (above) but don’t think I have the time or brain power to do it justice (we’re leaving on an 11 day cruise the following week… and guess who hasn’t started packing yet…), so I’m doing my version of a ‘brick’ quilt based on a photo from Pinterest (no pattern listed.)

To be sure this will work (and that I did the math right), I sorted the strips by value and sewed a couple of test blocks. 

Looks good!