
Day 2, Part 1- Arukeyri, Iceland

Oops, took a nap and read my book instead of blogging and now I’m behind…

Today’s tour was so amazing, and we took so many pictures, that I’m going to divide it into separate sections 

Pretty ship, pretty harbor

(also because uploading with the ship’s internet is slow and finicky…)

 Geothermal energy plant. Iceland has no gas/coal mines, so all non-geothermal energy has to be imported. Expensive!

We were up and heading for the tour bus at 0630 - not my fav time of day. 😂

So many people wanted this tour that they had 4 full buses, 

which meant some of us got to do the sites in reverse order. Works for me! 

When we signed up, we were most interested in the boiling mud pots 

 Mud pots

and fumaroles, 

Steaming fumarole

so we were pleased when Námafjall Hverir was our first stop. 

It was so! much! more! than we were expecting.

Absolutely amazing place, 

 Sunrise was after the 45 minute drive from the harbor

even at sunrise, 

in 26° weather, 

 Sulphur, which was mined to make gunpowder

with rotten egg fumes swirling all around us. 

Steam craters coming up next!

 Looking back from the road