

School starts again next Wednesday, 

so today we celebrated the end of summer break with lunch on the sand at Padaro Beach Grill in Carpinteria 

and a trip to the SB Zoo, 

where Jac and Donovan persuaded Pop that they were really, really tired - and Jac’s foot hurt soooo badly -

First stop - always- sliding on the ant hill

that they needed him to pull them in the wagon rather than walking. (Can you see my eyes rolling?? 😂)

 The most recent baby is a girl!

I was afraid the heat - low 80’s - and our afternoon arrival meant the animals wouldn’t be active or would be hiding in the shade, but we were lucky and saw most of the ones we like best. The lions were lying almost against the viewing glass; the meerkats were running around; and the bald eagle put on quite a long vocal display just for me and Donovan. 

We got to the giraffe feeding area a few minutes before it opened and were treated to the young males mock fighting in front of us. Whacking each other with their heads and necks has to hurt but it was hilarious to watch. 

The other highlight was that the bachelor gorillas were active. One was close to the viewing glass, as interested in the kids as they were in him. 

At one point, he wandered off, then came running fast back at the glass and spit a huge stream of water directly at where the kids were standing. 

Big reaction from the kids as the gorilla ran on by. I bet that’s one of his favorite activities and the kids’ reactions reinforces the fun. It was awesome. 

And of course we ended the day by adding to the stuffie collection. Leo chose chopsticks and candy, 

while Jac got an axolotl tshirt and a fox she named Lollipop.

Donovan chose a stuffed axolotl and a wolf, named Cotton Candy and Shadow.

All in all, a very pleasant day.