

Once I got started on my Wheels of Fortune, I couldn’t stop. Two days and many hours of sewing later, I think it’s done. 

Considered adding a border of some kind…. but I think it’s too distracting. Maybe something with just the cream fabric? (Ordered more since I can’t find the safe place where I put the last order… 🙄)

Here’s the addictive part - I still have 36 snowballs and a crap-ton (technical term) of 3” half-square triangles that I NEED to make something with. 

There’s enough snowballs to add another row to the quilt, but I’m all out of oranges and think it would look weird with just the blues and greens. 

Or maybe make a table runner with 4 wheel blocks (technically they’re “X’s and O’s”) 

or set them in a different configuration?

Should I use the HST’s with the snowballs?

Or make something smaller with just them??

Decisions are hard! (But fun!)