
Little Things

We’ve had a growing list of little jobs that needed pro help,

so yesterday, while Donovan expanded his Lego village,

the electricians cut holes in the walls 

to install outdoor outlets in two spots,

upgraded our Ring doorbell (the new ones are soooo much nicer), replaced a track light in the kitchen 

and added a ceiling fan to the upstairs bedroom playroom

with a remote control the littles just can’t leave alone. 🙄
Then today, with fashionista Jac to supervise, 

the plumbers came and used the same hole under the sink to install an outdoor faucet*

so we’ll have water for flowers and - more importantly to Jaclyn and Donovan - water for them to play in. Gotta keep the littles happy…

 We haven’t had a water source on this side of the yard since Matt took a pickax to the pipe (accidentally) back when he was in high school…