
Grand Boy

Donovan’s spending the day/night with us while his parents take a short trip for Matt’s birthday. 

Donovan and his BFF Cheyenne

Big D was a bit sad he didn’t get to go too, so we had to cheer him up, right? Starting with chocolate chip pancakes at Gary’s birthday breakfast*

then a trip to Target for new Lego sets,

which he happily spent all afternoon putting together while watching his favorite show (Pup Academy)

and munching his way through his favorite foods - potato chips, waffles, apples, grilled cheese sandwiches and a chocolate mug cake all to himself (mostly). 

And since he’s happy as long as I’m in the same room, I got a bunch of work done on the Shibori quilt. Whoo!

He’d have been happier if Jaclyn was here to play with, but I think he still had an overall ok day. 

August is a big birthday month for us, with Gary’s today, Matthew’s tomorrow, then Leia’s and John’s later in the month.