

I made this quilt way back in August 2021 (here), calling it “Retirement Goals” since hubby and I have talked often about visiting all most of the National parks once we retired. 

My plan was to embroider/embellish the block of each park we actually visited. The quilt has seen a lot of use, and done a lot of traveling - it’s one of my favorites - but I could never fix on an embellishment plan I was happy with. 

Until I got the MSQ Wildflower kit (here) - I really like the durability and colors of #8 perle cotton - and we decided to take a trip to Maine’s Acadia National Park (and more!) next week. Nothing like a deadline to get me motivated. 

I’m starting with a round of simple chain stitch in a variety of colors for the parks we’ve already visited together (solo visits, pre-married life, don’t count.) Maybe I’ll add some thread weaving and simple flowers later. 

So fun and a great tv watching project. Four parks ‘chained’, only 58-ish to go.