
Group Project

Rather than finish my FPP projects

or bind the stack of wallhangings on my ironing board or sort out my craft room (which really, really needs it)

the girls and I started a new quilt project. 

For over a year, I’ve had a Tula Pink layer cake (42 10” squares of fabric) that I haven’t known what to do with. I keep thinking it’s too pretty to use . . . or what if I mess it up . . . or if a better project comes along after I’ve cut into it . . . or . . . I definitely need to get over it. 

So yesterday Leanne starched and ironed the squares,

then I divided them up and asked the girls to pair the Tula prints with whatever Tula solid they liked best.

I’d have driven myself bonkers trying to decide what was “best” and they had it done in under 30 minutes. Hooray!

I’m squaring up each pair before I sew (layer cakes are notoriously wonky),

then re-squaring

and utilizing the fancy wood clappers hubby made me for my birthday -aren’t they gorgeous??? -

to make sure the blocks stay square and flat. 

It’s slow going but I’m enjoying the process and - in theory - it’ll make things go more smoothly when I put it all together. Fingers crossed.


Vickie L. Graham said...

Going to be another WOW!