Birthday Girl
Naia's 10th birthday was today but the partying started last Friday. As soon as she got out of school and we'd dried off from the pouring rain, we made popcorn, turned on the fireplace, grabbed our blankies and put 'Wizard of Oz' on the teevee. Naia had never seen Oz before; I'd quoted from it a couple of times recently and she had absolutely no idea what I was talking about.
Now she does. And she's almost as big a fan of the yellow brick road as I am.
Saturday, Naia had a sleep-over pizza party at her mom's house with three of her closest buddies. Sunday, her dad took her shopping for clothes and then I helped her make her favorite chocolate chip cake (and let her lick both beaters and the bowl; hey, it was her birthday.)
Tonight, Naia chose to go to bobbin lace class with me, rather than stay home and watch teevee or play Club Penguin. I think she really likes this lace stuff - and she's good at it. She picked it up much faster than I, or my friends, did when we first started. Naia's finished her second fish (the yellow and red one on the right below) and has started her first snake. And she's bugging me to get her a "real" bobbin lace pillow - with a drawer, thank you very much. Shhhhh, don't tell her - it's a secret - but PopPop has agreed to make her one this week. Can't wait to see her reaction!
Yay....every girl must see The Wizard of Oz. Of course you and I grew up on it. We have to keep it going with these younger kids. :)
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