
What A Day

We saved up a few things over the weekend for the littles to do today …

Auntie Rachel sent dragon and pirate costumes - huge hit!

Donovan doesn’t like new things (so like his dad!) so we haven’t gotten him to try the full pirate outfit yet. But several hours after Jac started prancing around as a dragon, he allowed me to bribe him into trying on the smaller costume. The price? 4 Oreos… 🙄

Mary found paint kits on sale and bought a couple for the kids… who immediately turned them over and painted what they wanted on the back. True artists!

Pop spent most of last week and the entire weekend fixing up this smaller section of the backyard as a sandbox-swing-bbq hangout.

Jac and Donovan both love digging and playing with water so the sandbox was a big success. 

And he topped it off by taking them to the dollar store and letting them get…. wait for it… FOUR toys each! Such excitement. 

 2  stacked Walmart wading pools and a *lot* of sand

My favorite part is the cover (an Amazon find), to prevent our 4-legged neighbors from turning it into an outhouse.

Pop also added a bigger slide for the bounce house/pool area in addition to the smaller one.

It cracked me up that Donovan was holding his nose - so water wouldn’t get in it - as he slid down into 3” of water. 

Jac still hasn’t tried the big slide (and may never use it) but D loves it.