
Cambria 1, 2

 Having a great time in Cambria. 

We got a routine kinda going these first 2 days.

Pop takes the littles for a morning walk on the beach, 

where on Day 2 they actually stood in the water! (I would not have taken that bet …)

then lunch at the house before board games, 


11 new mini cans and they mixed them alllllll together

or an outing somewhere interesting. 

Today it was elephant seal beach, just north of San Simeon and Hearst Castle. 

Not many seals this time of year, 

but the ones we saw were more active than usual -

Which of these is not like the others? The bottom left is an actual log, unlike the other motionless lumps. 😂

maybe because it was foggy and cold, so they weren’t lethargic from the warm sun?

We actually watched this guy roll himself into the surf. Kids were thrilled. 

They were also thrilled with the fat, frisky squirrels, until the squirrels kept getting closer and closer - 

they were obviously used to being fed by the tourists. “Cute but aggressive” says Jac as she and Donovan backed away.   

The house we’re staying in is tall and narrow, built to fit on an odd shaped lot.

Donovan’s favorite “bed chair” in the top floor living room

It’s 3 bedrooms - one on the ground floor, which Leo immediately claimed, and 2 on the middle floor so Jac and Donovan can share and be close to me at night - 3 baths, 

with short, twisty flights of stairs 

and an elevator. So cool.

Dining room and kitchen, looking toward the living room, with elevator on the right

Top floor has an entire wall of windows 

for the living room, dining room and kitchen 

overlooking the ocean about a block away.

Playdough cupcake, anyone??

Thistle on the beach