
Bits and Pieces

One of the last pieces of the bathroom remodel went in this week.

Everybody should have their own kraken, right?? And mermaid and pirate ship! Everyone loves it except Donovan, who hasn’t made up his mind yet. (Love the curved shower rod too.)

Leo and Jac, waiting for tutoring to start. I love Tutorific. We’ve been going here for over 2 years and I’m still impressed that every kid I’ve seen is happy when they go in and happy when they come out. 💕

Donovan, 5, drew, colored and cut this out for me today, then taped it to the fridge so I would find it later. Hand drawn, not traced. The boy has talent!

I’m converting another of hubby’s family’s 70+ year old albums into a book so we can all have a copy, and treated myself to a toy essential equipment to make it easier. 

Using my phone to photograph the pages is soooooo much faster than scanning, and with better quality. The ‘brick’ - an extendable selfie stickhas LED fill lights on both sides by the phone and the arm rotates 360° and extends up to over 3’. Definitely worth the $. (Plus, I love toys.)

I think our total rainfall last week was 5.5”… and we’re due for more next week (or so they say.) We may still float away.