
Merry Succulents

Marie’s work put on another succulent crafting workshop,

this time for a Christmas tree or wreath (we did pumpkins here last time.)

Jac, Donovan and I collaborated on a tree

while Leo decided to go with the wreath. 

The process is pretty simple. 

Use a pointy pencil to stab a hole in the base; coat a plant stem with hot glue; shove it in the hole, pin in place and repeat. 

The littles really liked stabbing the holes and the project held their interest a lot longer than I expected. 

And because Marie knows her audience, she had a box of crayons and coloring pages ready when they did get bored. 

Since the base was soaked in water before we started, Marie says the succulents will start to take root and our projects could last from weeks to years with proper care. 

With my black thumb, I’m not going to hold my breath. Still, it was a really fun way to spend the evening.