
Really Old

I started cleaning out cabinets again this week - it’s Spring! - and remembered a wood chest that’s been pushed under the pool table for years. The kids store ping pong equipment on top of it and it had become basically invisible. 

I knew there was old fabric inside 

but I’d forgotten that this was where I’d stored my mom’s quilting fabric*

and her quilt blocks from the late 1970’s, early ‘80’s, 

made waaaaaayyy before rotary cutters and quilting rulers came along. 

I’d also forgotten that each block is hand-stitched. 

Such treasure. 

Not sure what I’m going to do with them but I think their time in a cupboard is done. 

* Mom’s been gone since 1988, and I remember her working on these blocks before she moved for the last time, so this fabric is 40-ish? more? years old. My plan is to wash it - not the blocks! - and if it’s still viable, maybe use it with the blocks to make . . . something. And share them with my sisters. Gotta think about it.


Vickie L. Graham said...

What a treasure trove!💞