
Glitter Bomb

My plan for the weekend was to catch up on my Glitter Bomb Ball homework.  

Last month we did the big circles in the center column - sewing drunkard’s path curves with no pins! Whoo! -

and I was afraid this month’s tiny circles were going to be much (much!) harder. 

I tried the ‘no pin’ method twice before giving up. Hey, what’s a dozen+ pins among friends?? Gotta go with what works.

 Trimming down. Look at that pretty curve!

But thanks to Clover extra-fine pins - which can be sewn over without a problem - 

and a new ergonomic (and fantastic) 28mm rotary cutter, also by Clover, things are looking better than I’d hoped. 

I’m a long way from done, but the 5 little circles are finished; the 8 half-circles for the two outer most columns are started;

and then its just putting the pieces together. Piece of cake Yeah, this is going to take awhile. 


Vickie Graham said...

VERY impressive