
No Pi Here

Donovan didn’t much care that today was Pi Day, he wanted CAKE, thank you very much. 

 Mixing the dry ingredients 

So he and I made one of our family favorites,

 Eggs in

that’s been the traditional birthday cake for Donovan’s dad

since he was about Donovan’s age. 

Donovan enjoys most parts of baking

but he’s at an age where he knows the best is coming, if he has just a little patience.

That would be sprinkling the chocolate chips

and sneaking a few when he thinks I’m not watching. 

He’s also turned into a beater-licking fan,

something he adamantly refused to do until this past year, when Leia and Jackie convinced him he was missing out. 

Now he knows batter is good but cake is still better. Yummmmmmm.