

This weekend, I’m signed up for a couple of classes and a few lectures at QuiltCon Together, the online version of one of my favorite quilt shows. I took 4 days “off” from baby-grand duties so I’d have plenty of time for learning and sewing. 

With the on-demand format, I was able to binge watch both my classes Thursday night (and can rewatch them until the 24th). Learned lots of great stuff . . . But also decided I didn’t really want to make either of the suggested projects.

 Didn’t know I needed a seam flattener but I’m totally hooked. It makes a big difference keeping pressed seams flat while they cool.  

So . . . . I pulled out a “someday” project - a kit I received for Christmas -

 The wool pressing mat and starch misting bottle are definite keepers. 

and spent today playing with new tools

and lovely fabrics. 

It’s amazing what can be accomplished with some dedicated time and no tiny people interruptions. (I did miss them a little tho.)

I still need to stitch around the appliqués but otherwise this quilt top is done. 

It’s a little small - 45x54” - so I may go stash shopping and try adding some borders. Not bad for 6 hours work!


Vickie Graham said...

Oh my gosh I LOVE it!!!!

captainhook said...

That is gorgeous!!

Marie said...

OMG! I love those colors 😍