Kit Me
Rather than stitch the appliqué from yesterday’s project, I dug out another quilt kit I bought a few months ago. Because why finish one thing when you can start something new?! Right??
I seldom buy kits, mainly because they seem so expensive, but there is something very satisfying in opening one and knowing you have everything you need for a project all in one neat, little package. No muss, no fuss, no decisions.
And that must be what I need right now, because this is my third kit in a row, after Leanne’s fairy tree and the appliqué polar bear.
This also gave me a chance to use another Christmas present. I figure this 9.5” wide ruler saved me a couple of hours by not having to juggle 2 smaller rulers to cut all the 7” and 8” blocks. Seriously love this thing.
One test block is done*,
the remaining pieces are cut and the 8-at-a-time hst’s are stitched.
Tomorrow I’ll cut them apart and start making stars.
Hoping I can get everything done by the end of the day, but I may have to be satisfied with making the stars. We’ll see.
* Learned 2 things making the test block - #1) flannel stretches out of shape if you even look at it wrong, and #2) there’s an error in the pattern. Grrrrrrrr. Very happy I made a practice square.
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