
Whale Shark Adventures

These two *love* going on a morning walk with Pop and Leanne (especially as it often includes a stop for treats at the corner market). 

But today Jac came back almost hysterical. Blue whale shark had gone AWOL, dropped as they crossed a street on the way home. 

Jac got this pack of sharks on one of our last trips to the Santa Barbara Zoo and she and Donovan adore them, playing with them almost daily. Jac was inconsolable that one was gone. 

So Pop, hero that he is (and also maybe to get away from Jackie’s noise), retraced their route and found the escapee. All’s well that ends well, right?

Yeah. Donovan went down for his nap, tightly clutching whale shark, and somehow managed to drop it through the headboard and onto the floor under our bed, centered exactly in the hardest spot to reach. So tonight, one of us gets to climb under there and retrieve the &#@$ shark before Jac misses it tomorrow morning. 

Update! Pop did the honors and also found Donovan’s missing Mama Tiger! Hooray!