
PreSchool HomeSchool

Due to COVID, Jac has been unable to attend preschool in almost a year. Which is really a shame, not just for learning and socialization, but because she looooooved it. She was so excited about school that she cried almost every day when it was time to go home. Silly girl. 

Thanks to a recommendation from cousin Breanne, whose son Isaac is also four, Jac and I have been doing preschool-in-a-box each afternoon while Donovan takes his nap. The boxes are well thought out, include art projects as well as ABC’s and 123’s, and contain pretty much everything we need for each lession. 

Turns out Jac is a numbers (and colors) girl. She tolerates the ABC stuff - and has almost zero interest in writing her letters - but give her things to count and she’s in her element. She understood adding and ‘take away’ the first time we tried it and I’ve been adding more/harder exercises because she’s so interested. She also knows the order of colors in a rainbow - Jac says, “Rainbow is my favorite color!” - and she’s happy to discuss at length, without prompting, what color you’ll get by mixing two other colors. I’m thinking future artist-scientist here. I may not be as interesting as Miss Sandy (her preschool teacher) but we are having fun and she’s learning stuff. (Don’t tell her that last part. 😂)