
Delicious Plan B

Leia and I were scheduled for a painting class today,

and when it was cancelled last minute, we needed a quick Plan B to save Leia Day. 

Of all the options - sewing, mall shopping, movie, games - cake decorating was definitely tops on Leia’s list.

She opted for a Halloween theme this time,

creating a mustached ghost - in honor of PopPop - 

pumpkins, bats, bears,

and some "blood" drips for added color. 

By the end of our 2-hour session, she was very proficient with that piping bag. 

What a masterpiece. 

We walked out to find a very loud animal rights protest blocking the entrance to Whole Foods and our parking garage, then a parking machine that ate both the parking ticket and my credit card. The almost 45-minutes it took to find an employee and resolve the problem was annoying frustrating maddening made much better by McDonald’s fries at a nearby drive-thru 

and an extra large slice of Leia’s deLICHous cake. Boo!