Rocky Mountain National Park
We headed for the mountains again today, to one of our favorite national parks.
A lot has changed since our last visit. The road into Estes Park was severely damaged in the big flood of 2013. It's been mostly repaired and we noticed newly repaired/rebuilt homes throughout the canyon. The flood changed the river's course in several places and there are still piles of rocks everywhere left by the floodwaters.
One thing that hasn't changed is finding big horn sheep at one specific place just before the city limits. Today they were in the roadway, waiting for us.
Which almost caused an accident when the jeep in front of us parked his *ss in the roadway to take pics. Sheesh.
A quick lunch in town and we were on our way into the park,
armed with another junior ranger booklet for Leia.
Our timing was off for finding animals, unfortunately.
They all decided to stay home,
out of the rain and thunder that followed us the entire afternoon.
We hiked a bit,
dipped Leia's toes in icy cold streams,
climbed on rocks,
found treasures,
and generally had
a great time.
Leia was determined she was going to hike across this stream
or climb to the top of the waterfall
but the steady drizzle finally persuaded her to give it up.
We stopped for a snack at the Stanley Hotel,
where Leia was very disappointed not to see a ghost.
We'd told her about ghostly happenings
and the time Gary and a buddy stayed overnight in one of the haunted rooms. To this day, he swears they heard (ghost) kid's footsteps outside his room.
Tomorrow night we have tickets to see Frozen, the play, before it goes to Broadway. Then Saturday morning, bright and early, we head for home. See you soon, California.
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