1 - the new table is in place, right behind the couch in the teevee room, where I can craft while Dick watches his shows. This is turning into my recycled corner - in addition to the table and chairs coming from a resale store, the covering is fabric an artist friend was going to throw out during her recent studio move. The size is perfect and I love the pattern; just need to hem the edges and it's done.2 - I've got another case of startitis. Even with all the projects I have in various stages of undone-ness, I just had to start a new sweater (details here). That I'm hoping to have done by Saturday so I can wear it to guild.
I do love me some crocheted cables. (The color is actually light brown, not the dull gray my monitor shows.)
3 - Finally blocked the handspun knitted shawl (details here) and I.Love.It.
I love the drape and how heavy this shawl is; love the color and the little sparkles; love that I actually finished a knitted project.
Love how much blocking improves an FO. That still amazes me every time.
So where were these things during Show & Tell?
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