
Baby Day - and Knitting!

Matt dropped Leia off at 8 this morning and we got to spoil her all day long. sigh. It was such a hardship. . . NOT.Leia's just over 10 weeks old now. Although she's still sleeping a lot during the day, she also spends more time awake and entertaining us now. Don't you just love her dimples? And guess who's holding her head up by herself already? (It seems early to me; I could just have grandma-syndrome though. You know - where my grandbaby is better, smarter, and more everything than yours. Not that I would ever do that.)Leia loves her grandpa bestest. Whenever he's holding her, Leia has a big smile on her face and a death grip on his thumb. I don't know what it is about his thumb but she definitely sees it as her property.

And just to prove that we didn't hold her the entire day -
we did put her down and let her sleep. Once. For a very little while.

Making progress:

This is the start of my Adult Surprise Jacket.
The first class was October 13 and the last one is October 27. By then, I'm supposed to be almost halfway done with this thing. Which I might have been IF I hadn't had to redo the cast-on five. flippin. times. The good news? I'm pretty darn good at long-tail cast-ons now.

And the Basketweave Tee is to the point where I need to cast on more stitches for the sleeves. The next class isn't until November 6, so I've put this aside while I work on the other jacket. Still lovin this yarn. Can't wait to wear this sweater.