More Done!
The buttons are on and Goal #1 for the Tour de France KAL is completely, totally finished. I added one more row of ribbing to the cuffs to make the sleeves just a tad longer - to better fit my longer-than-normal arms - and increased the width of the back by 1/2" just to be sure it fit right. Other than that, this project is 'stock'.
The only thing I'd change, if I made this again, is to make the neck a little smaller/tighter. With the weight of the sweater pulling it down, I'm afraid it is going to get stretched out of shape.
But it fits and I love it; I hope to get years of wear from it.
Goal #2 is also finished! I was on a roll last night - which is why there were no photos yesterday - and this: became 142.3 yards (approximately; I don't think my yarn meter is very accurate) of this :
which is now this:
The stitch pattern is based on Blizzard by Leigh Radford.
I shaped the sides inward to mimic the lines of my favorite shawl.
The handspun is a little coarser than I'd hoped but I love the color. Hopefully I'll get a lot of use out of this shawl once the Fair is over.
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