Fair Day
Wednesday was my third and F.I.N.A.L. day at this year's fair. It was also dollar day - $1 admission until 3 pm - and it was ridiculously busy. I tried to get into the parking lot at noon, one hour after the fair opened, and it was already jammed, packed full. Everybody and their eleventy-six kids was either in line at the box office or crammed into the midway. Please, please remind me not to sign up to work dollar day next year.
But the good news was that we had lots of traffic at our LYS's table in the Home Arts building. One of my favorite things was the yarn tasting -
balls of various yarns in fancy (plastic) glasses with needles and hooks ready for people to try. Lois does this at the shop for various events and it's always a hit.
So what did I accomplish during my two hour stint? Two crocheted star warshcloths. An easy, mindless project that I could stop and start while talking to people. One has already been gifted to Marie's friend Jen. The other may be for me . . . or for donating . . . or something.
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